Saturday, March 31, 2007

The way I remember them...

This is a picture of my mother (on the left) and my mom's best friend Maxine. These 2 were a mess when you got them together...always into trouble, giggling, snacking during church, and of course, talking non-stop! They were the kind of friends that you hope to find in your life-time. Inseparable in life...and death!

There were so many wonderful stories at the memorial service - both of Maxine and my mom! There were lots of tears, and even more laughter, just the way Maxine would have wanted. There were memories that I'd forgotten and new stories that I'd never heard before.

They are most definitely "doing" Heaven at this very minute, and I'm sure God is just waiting for them to take a breath in between sentences so that He can say Hi!

"For I know the plans that I have for you", declares the Lord.
"...plans to give you hope..."
Jeremiah 29:11


Katrina said...

What a sweet photo! It looks like they both knew the joy of a true friend in each other. I'm so sorry you have to miss them right now. Thanks for sharing this part of your life!