Monday, April 02, 2007

Totally Clueless!

I'm at my wit's end with my youngest and am at a total loss with how to 'handle' him anymore! His tirades and fits are beyond my ability to control. Spankings don't do anything except make him angrier; time-outs simply give him a chance to throw a bigger tantrum behind closed doors - apparently it doesn't matter to him whether or not he has an audience. I cannot reason with this child no matter how calmly I speak, how much I whisper into his ear, and no matter how loud I yell. He's not fazed in the slightest by my demands or pleas.

Does that mean he's won?!? Is it possible for a 2 1/2 year old to out-wit a 34 year old? Can it be that he really does rule the roost? Does that mean that I'm about as lousy a parent as I feel most of the time????

Someone please tell me that even though he's winning right now, I can somehow win the war! I have, after all, raised two other fairly well-behaved kiddos with absolutely no tendencies to aggression or anger. Why did this have to happen with the last one? I should be a pro by now, right?

He's such a sweet kid when around other people. It's just around me & daddy that his temper flairs. He's aggressive and demonstrative. He makes his distaste for our rules very known. He's stubborn and won't take NO for an answer, no matter what. He's determined to get his all costs.

And now? He's taken to skipping his nap...

Can I get a do-over????


Katrina said...

*Hugs* to you, my friend! It sounds like you have a truly strong-willed child on your hands. Designed to challenge your parenting skills and your sanity on every level. Don't give up! You are a wonderful mom, and I know you will get through to him! Part of it might be his age, too. They don't call them "terrible twos" for nothing (although they didn't hit my kids till age three--then, yikes!)

I don't really have any advice, being far from an expert myself! Just pray, pray, pray over him, and keep in the fight. One day, hopefully, that stubborn streak will be transformed into an unshakeable faith and steadfast reliance on God!

Did I mention that I'm sending you *hugs*? :)

Amy said...

I agree with Katrina. You are a wonderful mother!! This is a child who is testing you to your wits (obviously). You can still win the war - it's not over by a long shot. Hold your ground. Be more stubborn than he is. He will cave and the battle will be over. It's a matter of outwitting and outlasting - you've been down this road before, just perhaps not this far. It's the same thing, he's just seeing how far he can push.

this, too, shall pass!!!

HUGS and prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

So hard.

I wish I had an answer for you.
