Our family photo op, taken in Kemah this afternoon.
You should overlook my hair poking out to the side - it was rather windy on the bay :)
This would be Morgann, waiting excitedly in line with me to purchase tickets for the ferris wheel - one that we ride with each visit to Kemah. We make the hour and a half drive at least twice a spring/summer, but this is about the only thing she ever remembers about this place!
Here you can see the men of my house looking at the 'scary beast'; they are all too scared to ride the ferris wheel with Morgann & I! Actually, 2 of them are too scared; one cannot go in circles without getting really sick! You can decide who is who :)
This would be Morgann & I, fearlessly riding the ferris wheel and enjoying the sights from above!
This is a pic of the kiddos entering the spray ground! They were all a little timid at first...
...but as you can see, that didn't last long. This was a lucky pic taken at the exact moment water shot out of the ground, right up Alex's shorts...
The kids found a puddle off to the side to splash around in for a while, but then...
...decided they were a bit chilly (even though it was 80 degrees today)! This is my giant goose-bump, Alex :) We had a wonderful day! Hope your Sunday was just a wonderful...
what a gorgeous, fun, family day!!
Looks like a wonderful time! And I love the family photo--beautiful! Glad you captured so many fun memories in these pictures. :D
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