Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Ian's Latest Trouble-Making Adventure

Well, the latest victim of Ian's need to make a mess was my expensive box of whole wheat pasta. I should know better...when I can't hear him making noise, it's never a good thing! You'd think that I would have learned that by now...

Notice that his vacuum is nearby? When I'd call him and ask what he was doing, he would just yell back "Backume". He loves to vacuum, so I wasn't concerned. Again, should have known better...


Amy said...

In order to effectively "backume" you must have a mess!! I mean, seriously, mom, you should know that!! I love that he spilled it all about. It's what kids do best. And I realize, whole wheat pasta isn't cheap, but it could have been worse...something liquid, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

lol, sorry, he looks SO angelic! and my first thought was thank goodness it wasn't something with liquid color! :)

Katrina said...

Haha! That photo is priceless, especially the self-satisfied little grin he's wearing!

Anonymous said...

Dang Girl...
Looks Like PICKUP STICKS to Me!

When ARE you gonna learn to have fun??? You ARE your Momma! He He He

Your favorite Uncle !