Friday, May 08, 2009

Ok, I'm listening...really I am!

I think that God is trying to tell me something...

SMALL STRAWS IN A SOFT WIND by Marsha Burns -- May 7, 2009:

Many of you are just trying to get through this time of transition as quickly as you can. You are like a race horse out of the gate and down the track as fast as you can go. Then, when something comes to impede your progress, you think it is a work of the enemy to hinder you. But, the things that you are encountering that slow you down are not necessarily the work of the enemy, but the work of My Spirit to keep you in the flow of My purposes and timing. Now is the time to rein in your flesh and let me direct your every step, says the Lord. Trust Me to get you through this time of change with a sense of dignity and purpose.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.


Allison said...

Ok, I don't think it's a coincidence that what you posted here was very close to what I said in an e-mail to you the other day. About when the journey isn't totally smooth, that's it doesn't mean it's not God's will.

Hang in there girl......everything will work out just like it is supposed to. :)

I think God is trying to probably tell us both some things and I know I need to learn to be quiet and listen.