Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just Another Day at the Zoo

So, on Sunday, we opted to skip church in favor of a last-minute family trip to the zoo. We have a membership so we figure we need to make the most of it. And, since the sky outside was gloomy, I was hopeful that maybe it would be less-crowded than usual.

Each kiddo has their favorite animal to see, and on this particular day, Ian was very adamant about seeing the lions & tigers (and bears, oh my!). So after spending about an hour in the children's zoo, we decided to grant his wish. Let me interject here that Alex & Morgann really weren't interested in going to see the "cats", but like I said before, we try to allow each kiddo the opportunity to dictate where we will visit next. So anyway, back to my story...usually, when we go see the lions (or really any of the cats or bears), they are laying around, not doing anything due to the heat, but we were hopeful that maybe the cool day would lure them into a playful mood and maybe, just maybe, they would be on their feet. Unfortunately for us, they were in their usual spots - laying in the shade not paying any attention to the throngs of zoo-goers that were staring at them, waiting for something to happen.

And then it did...

The male lion made the first move. Yawning & stretching he casually glanced in the direction of the female holding court right next to him. She just looked at him, then turned her back - still laying down, but doing what we women tend to do when "not in the mood" - she was ignoring him in hopes he would go away. But, he didn't! He decided to...um...well...assume a position that I wasn't even slightly prepared for...with 6 little eyeballs watching, mouths wide open. I stood there a minute, wondering what he might be doing, but then quickly realized that this was a biology lesson I was not ready to give yet! (yeah, I'm fast like that folks!!!) It took me a second, but with a quick glace in Michael's direction, horror all over my face, I quickly snapped into "protection" mode and whipped Alex around, pushing him toward the exit ramp. I then scooped up Ian (who wasn't ready to leave the lion's den just yet) while Michael grabbed Morgann and we marched (or maybe trotted) toward the exit, Michael & I alternately laughing hysterically and freaking out, just a little bit.

But we're grown-ups and had to keep some form of decorum, so I quickly announced that we should go see what the grizzlies were up to. And yes, in hopes of avoiding a discussion of what had just transpired, and being of the mind-set that if you ignore it, maybe it will go away, I marched the troops toward the bear display around the corner. Oh to have been so lucky... About 2 minutes later, Alex sidled up next to me and asked, "why did the boy lion do that to the girl lion, mom?"

My response was direct and to the point, "Go ask your daddy, sweetie".

His rebutle? "I already did and he said he didn't know."


Allison said...

Jenn, that was really funny. Especially the last part that he had already asked Michael. HA....funny stuff.

Katrina said...


I'm betting this comes up again. Time to find a good book to explain the basics! LOL!