Saturday, August 09, 2008

His Inner Man

Last night, Michael took a little something to help him to sleep better. Since he's spent the better part of the past week restless and progressively getting more tired, we figured that a good nights sleep was in order. Well, at least for 1 of us!

Anytime he takes these little blue pills (which is about as often as a solar eclipse!) he sleeps very deeply, while I stay awake dealing with the effects of his deep sleep. I knew it was going to be a bad night when his snoring began less than an hour after going to bed! For whatever reason the man passes out, on his back, and once this occurs, there is no turning him over! But, never-the-less, I always try. Apparently my super-mommy powers don't work after 1AM, unless there is a vomiting child nearby!

Like I said, the (very loud) snoring began around 12:30 and continued throughout the night, intermingled by my feeble attempts to stir him into turning over to his stomach. It wasn't going to happen! Then there was the belching - yes, I said belching. Continuous and un-relenting, with absolutely no regard for anyone in the room - which would be me, in case you were wondering. Anyone that knows Michael knows that he does not belch - EVER! He finds it disgusting and just won't do it. So, the fact that he was letting them rip over & over (& over) again last night was funny - well it would have been had the first few not scared me to death and stirred me from my sleep at 2:30AM! Then there were hiccups - yep, right again! I only thought I was scared out of my slumber with the belches! The hiccups were loud and constant for about 20 minutes. But, no matter how hard I tried to wake the boy, he wasn't going to rouse from the deep sleep he found!

Thank you, little blue pill! You helped my honey to sleep soundly (hahahaha!!!!) through the night, making all sorts of sounds that he normally wouldn't make! I guess his inner man (or maybe bachelor boy) came out in all of his radiant glory. I don't like that inner man...especially when he keeps me awake making crude sounds all night.


Judy said...

HAHA - all those bad habits rear their ugly head when left unattended by a deep sleep I suppose!

BTW, the doc SWEARS my thyroid is fine...I think otherwise, but whatever! I'm waiting until I have a "real" problem, such as a hangnail, to go back and complain about my sleeplessness and drinking problem. Of course, I only woke up once last night, so go figure!

Katrina said...

My honey occasionally snores, too, and the only reason I haven't invested in a pair of earplugs is that I need to be able to hear the kids. Oh, well--I'm glad at least one of you is sleeping!