Wednesday, December 05, 2007


Gotta love 3 year old speak! Here is just a sampling:

Mommy, I win you...translated: Mommy, I'm going to beat you!

Ayex huut me (with the biggest pout he can muster and a dejected tone to his voice)...translated, I got hurt when Alex blocked my punch.

Nia, fit my yap...translated, Mia, come sit in my lap!

Mo ajuse peaz...translated, More apple juice please.

Me not yike tayots...translated, I don't like carrots...but will eat them without complaint when promised a dessert!

I hundwy...translated, I'm hungry, feed me right now before I die!

(Sounding a bit like Joe Pesci)...Yu tawkin to meee?...translated, Mother dear, are you speaking to me?

And, maybe one of my favorites: Oh, ay gowt...sounding very much like Gomer Pyle...Oh, I forgot :)

Like I said, you gotta love 3 year old speak...especially when you have a translator!