Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

With a yummy seafood dinner, dessert and games with friends, the fact that this year, no one in my family forgot to call & wish me a happy birthday (one year no one called!), and a beautiful bouquet of roses from my sweet hubby, I don't think this day could have been any better!!!

Have I mentioned that I love my birthday :)


Newlywife said...

Okay, I am going to first, wish you a happy birthday, almost a month late...but that is how I apparently roll lately. Sorry for the belatedness!

Second, I am going to apologize in advance for the length of this comment...which is the first comment I have made on your blog (for which I also apologize!).

Now, getting to it! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your comment. I can't tell you how much better it made me feel. Really. Not only were you kind enough to make me feel better, you actually turned leaving the little one to go to work into a positive!

I really appreciate it! Coming from someone who is so evidently close to their children, it somehow holds more weight...and makes me less guilty!