Wednesday, November 16, 2005

And, So It Continues...

10:39PM - Crawl into bed and pull the covers up over my head; pray for a decent night's sleep as I drift off to dream land
12:02AM - Wake up to the sounds of a crying baby and try to figure out where I am and why said baby is crying
12:23 - Lay in bed listening to the baby cry off & on, and pray to God that he will just go back to sleep
2:46 - Wake up to the sounds of a crying baby (again) and wish to God that he'd just stay asleep
3:12 - Get out of bed and trudge upstairs to give baby some Motrin and hold him for a few minutes while trying not to fall alseep in the standing position while holding the baby
3:21 - Crawl back in to bed and hope for the best - but not expect it
5:49 - Wake up for the 3rd time to the cries of a baby and realize that he REALLY doesn't feel good; Make a cup of warm milk and head upstairs to change his diaper; bring him back downstairs to the rocker and hope he'll drink and go back to sleep
6:12 - Crawl back into bed and wait for the God-blessed alarm clock to go off on hubby's side of the bed
6:18 - Voila - alarm clock is in working order and goes off until I kick hubby as hard as I can to get him to turn the stupid thing off
7:15 - Wake up to the sounds of an alarm clock and realize that it's mine; hit the snooze and fall right back to sleep
7:24 - Hit the snooze button again, harder this time in hopes of breaking it
7:33 - Find out that I didn't hit the snooze button hard enough and decide to give up on the fable of sleep
7:34 - Go upstairs, get wide-awake baby from his bed, give him Tylenol, and wake up big brother; have a fight with big brother who tries to escape getting up and dressed for school by claiming to be sick.
8:12 - After feeding all 3 kids, making a lunch for 1, I get big brother out the door in time for the school bus; Realize it's freaking cold outside and make a mental note to stay home today, at all costs...
8:45ish - Find out that I should have kept my thoughts to myself because it's going to be impossible to stay home today; Baby has fallen and blood is pouring from his mouth; Have major fight with baby to try to get the bleeding to stop, only realizing that you have to know where the blood is coming (specifically) to apply the appropriate pressure; fight with baby more to try to absorb the blood that is literally dripping from his mouth until I soak through the 3rd napkin; call sister-in-law in a panic and ask her to forgo getting to work on time because I need help getting myself and the kids dressed and can't because the bleeding won't stop in the baby's mouth; call the children's dentist and ask about taking the baby in right away, find out they're booked until 4PM and receive obvious directions to help stop bleeding - apply pressure; finally get the bleeding to stop, see dangling skin inside baby's mouth, and hope to God it's nothing serious.
8:55 - Call sister-in-law back and tell her to go on to work because super-mommy has things under control for the time being.
8:56 - Call Pediatrician and request an appt since baby is still running a fever, coughing up a lung, and has now damaged his mouth in some way.
9:00 - Run upstairs, get big sister dressed, brush her teeth and fix her hair; decide that baby must have a bath before being dressed because he has dried blood all over himself; throw him into the tub, scrub him clean, dress him, but forgo brushing his teeth so as not upset the poor thing since his mouth is so tender.
9:45 - Realize that I'm not going to get the 10AM appt I scheduled with the doctor, but rush around anyway to get myself dressed; decide to forgo makeup since the day doesn't seem to be worth fixing myself up for.
9:55 - Run out the door with 2 children, 1 diaper bag, 1 purse, and 1 empty box of a prescription that must be refilled today since the expiration for refills shows 11/16/05.
10:03 - On the way to the doctor's office, get pulled over for the expired inspection sticker on my windshield; apologize profusely to policeman and promise to get the car inspected when hubby - who just started a new job - gets his next paycheck; also apologize to him after he points out that you were reading something while driving and didn't notice he was behind you - explain that I wasn't reading while driving, I waited until I was at the stop light, but still didn't notice he was behind me or would have been paying more attention. Get off with a written warning and thank God that He really is watching out for me :)
10:25 - Arrive at the Pediatrician's office; see doctor and find out that the baby has a double ear infection, as well as bronchiolitis - a common ailment amongst my kiddos; give baby a breathing treatment and wait to see doctor again to obtain prescriptions.
11:10 - Leave the Pediatrician's office and head for pharmacy to drop off 3 new prescriptions!
11:25 - Remember that I needed to stop by Office Depot to get some decorative paper for dinner party invitations; browse around a bit, then make purchase
12:05 - Drop off prescriptions and head home
12:15 - Get home and work on getting lunch to everyone - including myself
1:05 - Get baby & big sister down for their naps; clean kitchen from lunch mess; go to office and begin working on new business venture
2:15 - Remember that I was supposed to fax a letter to Big Brother's school alerting them that I'd be picking him up early today because of baby's dental appointment.
2:45 - Wake up baby & big sister; redress big sister and re-do her hair; change baby's diaper, put on his shoes; head downstairs and get out the door to the van
3:10 - Pull out of driveway and head to Big Brother's school where Big Brother is waiting patiently for me to get him.
3:11 - Answer 20 questions from Big Brother as to why he had to leave early, why we're going to the dentist, why baby fell down and what he hit, how much blood was there, etc.
3:15 - Arrive at bank and make deposit
3:27 - Leave bank irritated that it took so long to deposit money and head to dentist
3:55 - Arrive at dentist and sign-in; wait around for 10 minutes until Big Brother & Big Sister announce that they need to go potty
4:12 - Arrive at the dentist's office again (after group potty break) and attempt to take x-rays of baby's mouth; find out that baby doesn't like the big lead apron he must wear, so hold him down to take the x-ray as quickly as possible
4:25 - Find out that there is no obvious damage to baby's teeth, but the muscle that holds his top lip to his gum has been severed; find out that it's no big deal and that the muscle should retract into the lip, but if it doesn't, they'll cut it when he's older; try not to vomit at the thought of cutting the muscle; Leave.
4:55 - Arrive home and race upstairs with Big Brother to get him dressed for gymnastics
5:25 - Leave for gymnastics class and arrive 2 minutes late; get reprimanded by coach for being late, and leave Big Brother to take the heat for being late.
5:35 - Talk to hubby and get him to agree to pizza tonight for dinner; decide a little later that it would be best to have it delivered because Big Sister and baby aren't being very cooperative and I don't feel like fighting them in public tonight.
6:55 - Go get Big Brother from gym; arrive home and inhale pizza
7:35 - Get everyone into the tub and dressed for bed
8:35 - Get Big Brother to bed and realize that I have a conference call in exactly 25 mintues.
10:06 - Finish this blog entry and collapse from shear exhaustion...