Wednesday, February 06, 2008


My sister recently informed me that I am a slacker. Since I haven't blogged in a few weeks, that, apparently, gives her permission to call me names? I think not! I am, indeed, not a slacker. I am one of the busiest people I know - well, outside of Judy. I do not, however, have any good excuses as to why I haven't blogged lately. It might be that absolutely nothing of interest to anyone outside of these 4 walls has occurred. It could be that we've spent our last 3 days running from appointment (eye doctor) to appointment (Ian's first dental appointment) to appointment (Alex's dental appointment), with no funny stories to relate? It could be that we have had no snow days here in the lovely city of Houston, TX, along with no birthdays, anniversaries, dress-up dinner nights, or any other special days that would contribute material to my blog. But, I think the real reason that I haven't blogged is simply because life in our household has been what some might call boring.

Our biggest piece of interesting information over the last few weeks has been that my sister bought a MacBook on Saturday, and we got to play with it for a few hours, after spending a few hours at Best Buy helping her pick it out. Other than that, nothing has happened to us. Seriously, that's it for excitement around here!!!

So, my hope is that by posting this little gem, something will happen to us that will give me a story to tell. My only request is that it be funny - if not at the time, then at least in hind-sight, please*!

*On Saturday, Michael & I will be taking a concealed handgun class that will require that we actually shoot a gun. I've never shot a gun before, so this may prove to be interesting. Thankfully, we'll be at a shooting range, so hopefully I won't be going to jail for accidentally shooting someone :)