Friday, February 22, 2008

I Have a Problem!

I have a's one that affects millions of women (I hope anyway!) so it's a relief to know that I am not alone. But, I'm willing to admit that I have a problem, unlike so many of you out there. So, here it confession:

I'm a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of girl!

You see, when I woke up this morning, I had absolutely no intention of turning myself blue & white. Never, in my wildest dreams, did it cross my mind that by the end of the day, my back, neck and arms would be aching so badly that I would beg for a hot bath and Ibuprofen. Did it ever cross my mind that my children would be left to run amok around the house, backyard and neighbor's yard? No, it did not! I had absolutely no intention of doing anything that might be referred to as 'strenuous' or 'messy'. And, I most certainly did not think that by the end of the day, I'd be telling my children, "You may not, under any circumstances, use your bathroom tonight!"

Yes, I have a problem, and it's a serious one!

With absolutely no plan of action, I decided to paint the kid's bathroom! I've had the paint since November, but for some unknown reason, I decided that today was the day that I needed to actually use it. And, one would think that since painting a room of any size might require all day, I would have started bright and early...or at least prior to 3PM. But, did I? Nope - I started painting at 3:30! I gave myself exactly 2 hours to get the bathroom ready to paint, to paint, and to clean up, before dinner time! And, did I meet that deadline? Nope to that one too! I finished 1/2 of the bathroom exactly 45 minutes ago, and still have at least 2 hours worth of painting to go.

Guess what's for dinner?

Whatever Michael brings home for us :)


Katrina said...

Hey, when the home-improvement bug bites, you've got to go with it! If I didn't, nothing at all would get done around here! :) At least you got take-out out of the deal...

Judy said...

I love love love projects like this! Take pics and show off, okay?