Thursday, January 03, 2008

A Good Day

What is a good day in my world? Here I will share...a day in which I get to sleep in just a bit (til 9:30AM thanks to kids that decide to play instead of fight), I wash/fold/put away 4 loads of laundry (and still counting), the kids are so quiet that we can go into James Avery and receive a compliment from the lady behind the counter that my "children are very well behaved" - a rarity to be honest! -, we hit a park that happens to be completely empty and play for a good 30 minutes (the longest I could stand the freezing, cold wind that was whipping around), followed by a quick trip to Starbucks for hot chocolates and a shared giant cookie, then home for more playtime in which my children continue to play well together with no tattling or melt-downs :) This, my friends, is a good day in the land of Jennifer!

So, here's wishing that all of your days in 2008 are just as good as mine was today. Happy New Year everyone!!!!!!