Saturday, April 19, 2008

Seeing with New Perspective

So, this is Alex's new look - I think he looks great! I am amazed at how grown up he looks with his new glasses! He's been asking me for a week if the vision store had called to say they were in, and they finally did last night. He has been super-excited about getting glasses, so we'll see how long this new-found enthusiasm lasts - I give it a week or less!


Judy said...

Wow, he looks totally handsome! I love those frames!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome-face! All the better to read more books and do homework!
Now the trick will be to not lose them, not sit on them, not forget to take them with you, etc., etc., etc. (I watched The King and I last night)...
This is the challenge I have to keep up with my reading glasses!

mama chris

Amy said...

You might be surprised. My LM took to his glasses like a fish takes to water. He hasnt' broken them, lost them or even scratched them beyond reason and he's had his for several years now!

Your little one looks soooo much older!!

Katrina said...

He looks so cute! The glasses set off the grin perfectly. :)