Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Heavenly Thoughts

This is a piece of a conversation that Morgann & I had while driving the other day:

Morgann: Mom, is Jesus real?

Me: Yes sweetie. Jesus is very real. He was born, grew up, died on a cross for our sins, then rose from the dead and went to heaven to wait for us.

Morgann: Oh. He's in heaven with grammy?

Me: Yep, with grammy :)

Morgann: So, is there a bedtime in heaven?

Me: Nope. I don't think you have a bedtime there.

Morgann: So I can stay up as long as I want? I don't have to go to bed?

Me: Yes, you can stay up as long as you want.

Morgann: Cool, I want to go to heaven!

Me: Well you will if you have Jesus in your heart.

Morgann: Wait, are there in toys in heaven too? Because if there aren't any toys in heaven, then it will be super-boring and I don't want to go there.

Me: Yes sweetie. I'm sure there are toys in heaven.

Morgann: Cool! Then I'm definitely going to go there :)

I'm so thankful that she has her priorities in order!!! But, I guess in 5 year old, toys are a priority, huh?


Katrina said...

Heehee! Cute! I love seeing these big ideas take shape in little minds. Caleb and I keep having the same conversation about God: "Why can't we see God if He's everywhere?" "You can't see Him, honey, but you can see the things He does." "Oh, so He's invisible?" "Um, yes." (Knowing all the time that he's imagining an invisible guy walking around moving stuff and knocking over trash cans. Oh, well--it's a start!")

cori said...

At least she's got all her ducks in a row now. Sounds like her 'light bulb moment' finally occurred. Yeah for Morgann. :)

On another note, yesterday, Bennett asked Jesus to come live it his heart. Yeah! :)

Judy said...

Hey Jennifer!
YES, cover the chicken/beans/potatoes - thanks for reminding me! I went back and edited that part. ;-) Have a great weekend!