Saturday, March 22, 2008

Selective Memory

I am laughing hysterically because Michael just informed me that he & Morgann had another conversation about this (read it first!)

Daddy: Do you know why we celebrate Easter?

Morgann: Because Jesus rose from the dead

D: And why did he do that?

M: I don't know

D: So we can go to heaven right?

M: Yeah

D: But we can't go to heaven unless Jesus lives in our heart. Have you asked him to live in your heart yet Morgann?

M: No

D: No?? What do you mean no?? Why not?

M: Because I don't want to die

D: Just because you ask Jesus into your heart doesn't mean you'll die!!

M: But you told me before that having Jesus in my heart means I'll die and go to heaven.

D: No Morgann, that's not what I said. I said IF you die you'll go to heaven if you have Jesus in your heart.

M: But I don't want to die.

D: I know you don't want to die, and you're not going to!! Not until you get old... like, really old.

M: But I don't want to get old daddy.

D: Hmph! OK, nevermind. Morgann, all I'm trying to say is that when you accept Jesus in your heart it makes him happy, it makes me and mommy happy, and it will make you happy because he is LIVING in your heart, not dying OK? It makes you a Christian.

M: Daddy, I want to go to the circus again with Kristen.

D: Uh.... what does that have to do with what we're talking about?

M: Nothing.

D: OK, can you just think about what I said and we'll try again next year?? Good night!


Judy said...

LOL - and I'm fielding questions about when the sun will blow up - don't you just love the conversations we have with our kids?

Katrina said...

Heehee! She'll understand it eventually; it's a pretty difficult concept! Caleb keeps asking me why he can't see God if He's everywhere. I keep explaining, but to a child's concrete way of thinking, it's a little hard to!