Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Ok, so I'm sitting here wondering why? Why are things progressively getting worse around here? First it was Alex with a horrible cough that resulted in strep, then Ian that same evening with a high fever also resulting in strep, followed the next day by a nasty stomach virus that induces vomitting, with no warning, all over me 3 times (just on me 3 times, but I think the grand total was 7)!!! Then, Sunday, it was Morgann's turn with the nasty cough. Monday, I took her to the doctor and guess what? Strep and upper respiratory issues (meaning breathing treatments for the next 4 or 5 days!). Just for kicks, I decided to give them all a breathing treatment tonight - no need for 2 of them to feel left out, right?!? And, amazingly, they all stopped coughing...

But anway, apparently it is now my turn...no, not strep, thank God! I've never had strep - a doctor once told me when I was young that he thought that I might have a built-in immunity to it because my entire family had a bad case of it, but I walked around with nothing wrong :) Anyway, no, I don't have strep, but I did get a bad sore throat 2 days ago, and now have a nose that won't work when it's supposed to, and won't stop working when I need it to (i.e. stuffy when I'm trying to breath, and running when it's not convenient)!

And, it was only a matter of time...Michael is now feeling as though he's been run over by a truck.

Can't tell you how much fun we're having around here :)

Hope you all stay healthy and avoid all of the nasty bugs that attack from every direction at this particular time of year. I'll be back when the cold medicine wear's off!


Amy said...

I think these are the days when I am thankful I only know you through the internet. Hope you are better soon (all of you!)