Thursday, June 07, 2007

Born to be weird!

This is what Alex exclaimed as he rounded the corner wearing this:

He had just departed the shower, which would explain the soaking wet hair, but the choice of bedtime attire made me laugh. I couldn't help myself. I mean, look at him! I guess maybe he was making an attempt at creating a new super-hero?

You can't really tell what he has on, so let me describe his choice of wardrobe for you:
Black winter gloves covered by shin guards - on his lower arms
A hand-made Indian vest thingy he made in 3 year old preschool
His white Tae Kwon Do belt
Soccer socks
Pirates of the Carribean boxers

And let me reiterate that it was he who announced "Born to be weird" and not me :)


Judy said...

Hey, the boy's got style!

Okay, not the same style as MY style, but style nonetheless! Teehee!

Katrina said...

Now THAT is a great ensemble. Just add a light saber and he'll be ready for anything!

Jennifer said...

Light sabers and swords (and basically anything stick-like) have been banned from the inside of the house, since Ian hasn't yet learned how to swing and miss - he always lands the hit! And lest you think I'm a concerned parent protecting my off-spring, think again! It's not the kids I'm worried about; it's the wide-screen TV!

RosieBoo said...

Nice superhero attire! He can be called "Captain Weird, Lord of the Boxers! So funny!