Sunday, October 26, 2008

MIA since IKE

Since the visit from Ike a few weeks ago, I have been out of whack. My schedule was thrown off, and pretty much tossed out the window, and I have frantically been trying to keep my house of cards from crumbling all around me. So, I've taken some time off from my blog. Ok, a long time, but I will eventually return to report anything worth reporting. I am not gone, just taking some time off. I will continue to read and comment when I can, but even that is at least a week behind (sorry Judy!). So, when I can, I will comment; when I have something to say, I will. But until then, just check in periodically and know that I am still here - just a little busier than I would like to be!

Tomorrow is another day...and gosh, darn it, I will get back on schedule!!! Hey dad, this too shall pass, right?!?!


Judy said...

Hang in there, girl.

Things are no where NEAR to normal at my in-laws' house yet - Scott just got back from chopping wood AGAIN over there.

Katrina said...

It's okay. We understand. And we all need a break now and then. I'm waiting for any semblance of equilibrium to descend on my life since starting work and preparing to move, but I think it will be a long time coming. Just keep us in the loop now and then and we'll look forward to your return to regular posting. :)

Little Papa said...

It always does, whether we want it to or not. The great tradgedy is we don't get the choice of which ones we want to pass and the one's we want to keep and hold on to and love forever!!!


mamatutwo said...

oh, man....i'm so sorry for you, and at the same time, i'm in the thick of it with you! chaos! craziness! i keep thinking that i'm almost there, and well...i just can't get back on it. ughhh!

hopefully things are just around the corner for you!

Amy said...

Miss you!!