And so has our garden!! So far, we haven't killed anything, and are starting to see some fruit & veggies :) Strawberries have been going crazy - we get 2 or 3 a week from our 2 very small plants, I just spotted the very first tomato, and the rest of plants are starting to bloom, so fruit/veggies should be just around the corner!!!!
Our garden!
From back left, sweet peas, asparagus tree & cucumbers.
Middle left to right, jalapeno plant & cauliflower.
Bottom center, butterfly plant.
In the back is the cucumber bush, 2 tomato plants on the right, center is the cauliflower plant and the broccoli plant (that sprouted flowers so we had to cut it off and hope it grows again), and bottom center is the peanut plant with a few little flowers (marigolds in the corner).
Back left is the pumpkin vine, to the right is the sweet pea vine, in the middle are the 2 tiny little green bean plants that started as seedlings, the jalapeno plant to the right, then the 2 strawberry plants toward the bottom (marigolds in the corner).
And last but not least, more seedlings that have sprouted - yellow onions, carrots and red/green peppers!
I told Michael that we are going to need to build another box next to our existing garden as I don't have the space to plant the seed pots once they are ready. So, we'll be back at the building and buying dirt phase in just another few weeks if these continue to grow :)
Not bad for someone who had no clue what she was doing, huh???